Cluster Node Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Boot a node – none cluster mode |
boot -x (At „ok“ prompt) |
ok boot -x |
Stopping a node |
1. scswitch |
scswitch -S -h nodeA (switch resources) |
2. shutdown |
shutdown -y -g30 -i0 |
Rebooting a node |
1. scswitch |
scswitch -S -h nodeA (switch resources) |
2. shutdown |
shutdown -y -g30 -i6 |
Disable quorum vote for a node |
scconf |
scconf -c -q node=nodeA,maintstate |
Stopping the cluster |
scshutdown |
scshutdown -y -g10 |
Display status information |
scstat |
scstat [ -pvv ] |
Display quorum information |
scstat |
scstat -q |
Display cluster configuration |
scconf |
scconf -p [ -pvv ] |
Check the cluster configuration |
sccheck |
sccheck -v |
Backup the cluster configuration |
tar |
tar -cv /etc/cluster/ccr |
Restore the cluster configuration |
1. scshutdown |
1. scshutdown -y -g0 |
2. boot |
2. ok boot -sx |
3. tar |
3. tar -xv |
Cluster Quorum Device Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Display quorum information |
scstat |
scstat -q |
Remove a quorum device |
scconf |
scconf -r -q globaldev=d30 |
Add a quorum device |
scconf |
scconf -a -q globaldev=d12 |
Put into maintenance state |
scconf |
scconf -c -q globaldev=d15,maintstate |
Bring out of maintenance state |
scconf |
scconf -c -q globaldev=d15,reset |
Veritas Volume Manager Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Add disk group to cluster |
scconf |
scconf -a -D type=vxvm,name=m-dg,nodelist=nodeA:nodeB |
Register change to disk group |
scconf |
scconf -c -D name=mydg,sync |
Switch device group to a node |
scswitch |
scswitch -z -D mydg -h nodeA (node to switch to) |
Check status |
scstat |
scstat -D |
Change properties |
scconf |
scconf -c -D name=mydg,nodelist=nodeA:nodeB, |
preferenced=true,failback=disabled |
Nafo Group Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Creating nafo group |
pnmset |
pnmset -c nafo0 -o create hme0 qfe0 |
Deleting nafo group |
pnmset |
pnmset -c nafo0 -o delete |
Adding a card |
pnmset |
pnmset -c nafo0 -o add qfe0 |
Removing card |
pnmset |
pnmset -c nafo0 -o remove qfe0 |
Switching active adaptor |
pnmset |
pnmset -c nafo0 -o switch qfe0 (Adaptor to switch to) |
Check status |
pnmset |
pnmset -l |
Display current configuration |
pnmset |
pnmset -p |
Which group a card belongs to |
pnmrtop |
pnmrtop hme0 |
Which is the active card |
pnmptor |
pnmptor nafo0 |
Change pnm parameters |
vi |
vi /etc/cluster/pnmparams |
Resource Group Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Check current status |
scstat |
scstat -g |
View configuration |
scrgadm |
scrgadm -p [-pvv] -g my-rg |
Switch to a node |
scswitch |
scswitch -z -g my-rg -h nodeB (Bring online on nodeB) |
Take offline on all nodes |
scswitch |
scswitch -F -g my-rg |
Bring online on primary node |
scswitch |
scswitch -Z -g my-rg |
Brine online on named node |
scswitch |
scswitch -z -g my-rg -h nodeB |
Put into unmanaged state |
scswitch |
scswitch -F -g my-rg |
scswitch -n -j my-res (Disable all resource in group) |
scswitch -u -g my-rg |
Bring into managed state |
scswitch |
scswitch -Z my-rg |
Restart resource group |
scswitch |
scswitch -R -h nodeB -g my-rg |
Disable resource |
scswitch |
scswitch -n -j my-resource |
Enable resource |
scswitch |
scswitch -e -j my-resource |
Clear STOP_FAILED flag |
scswitch |
scswitch -c -h nodeB -j my-resource -f STOP_FAILED |
Device Group Operations |
Operation |
Command |
Example |
Check current status |
scstat |
scstat -D |
Switch to a node |
scswitch |
scswitch -z -D my-dg -h nodeA |
Put into maintenance |
scswitch |
scswitch -m -D my-dg |
Bring online |
scswitch |
scswitch -z -D my-dg -h nodeB |
Resource Group Configuration |
Operation |
Command Example |
Create Resource Group |
scrgadm -a -g my-rg -h nodeA,nodeB [ -y Pathprefix=/my-directory ] |
Add resource to Group |
scrgadm -a -j my-res -g my-rg -t SUNW.nfs -x ServicePaths=/my-directory |
Remove resource from group |
1. scswitch -F -g my-rg (Switch resource group offline) |
2. scswitch -n -j my-res (Disable resource) |
3. scrgadm -r -j my-res (Remove resource) |
4. scswitch -Z my-rg (bring resource group on-line) |
Add logical host resource |
scrgadm -a -L -j my-lh -g my-rg -l logical_host_name |
Add share address resource |
scrgadm -a -S -j my_salh -g my-rg -l logical_host_name |
Modify resource parameter |
scrgadm -a -j my-res -x property=new_value |
Remove a resource group |
1. scstat -g (List group and its resources) |
2. scswitch -F -g my-rg (Switch resource group offline) |
3. scswitch -n -j my-res (Disable resources) |
4. scrgadm -r -j my-res (Remove resources) |
5. scrgadm -r -g my-rg (Remove resource group) |